Law Awards
Students have been nominated for these awards because we have seen in them, many of the attributes that make outstanding law students. They have shown enthusiasm..determination and passion for the subject of law in lessons and through their consistent hard work during their studies. Many have shown dedication by participating in extra-curricular activities such as the Mock Trial Competition, the Legal Eagles group, or helping out the department during events.
Ella studies Law, History & English Literature. Ella’s mastery of law is exceptional and her work ethic is excellent. Ella is going on to study Law at the University of York where we have zero doubt, she will accomplish great things! It has been a privilege to both teach and know you Ella and we would like to thank her for all she has done for us as a department and the college. Be proud of yourself.. we are!
Nat studies Law, Business, and Politics. Since starting BTEC law Nat has displayed an excellent work ethic and demonstrated consistently high academic performance and is on course to achieve a distinction or possibly a D* Nat also played a leading role in the mock trial competition and Intends to study law or law and criminology at university.