Transition to Level 3

Transition to Level 3

What you need to know about this qualification

The Transition to Level 3 Programme is a one year package aimed at students who have narrowly missed out on the entry requirements for a Level 3 programme and who would benefit from an additional year to acquire the skills and qualifications essential to successfully progress to Level 3.

The programme will consist of:

  • Re-take of English Language and Mathematics GCSE if these have not been obtained at grade 4 or above.
  • The Transition to Level 3  qualification that is assessed by 100% coursework. The course will help you with career planning, personal finance, leadership, employability and resilience.
  • Studying a subject specialism of your choice, chosen from the range of available Level 3 Single Diploma options.

The options available will depend on your interests and GCSE profile and include:

  • Art
  • Health and Social Care
  • Business
  • ICT
  • Sport

Celebrating Success - Michael Webb

Michael Webb started QMC on a Foundation Learning programme, progressing through to level 2 Media where he secured Distinction*. With Michael’s hard work and individual support from teachers he flourished at level 3, leaving with fantastic D*DD grades. Michael is now studying Digital Media Design at Winchester University. “QMC is by far one of the best places you can learn. They supported me, enriched my life, and guided me onto my next steps.” – Dove House