Geography A Level

Geography A Level

Geography is a discipline that in one way or another relates to everyone both in understanding the physical world and what we do in it.  The focus of the Geography A Level course is to develop an enthusiasm for, and competence in, geography by using contemporary real-world contexts, across a range of specified spatial and temporal scales, and through engagement with practical application of geographical skills and techniques in the field.

As part of your studies you’ll assess the merits of competing theories and explanations. Your understanding will be enhanced by our links with highly renowned academics and via the additional enrichment activities on offer. Teachers within the department come from a variety of backgrounds and specialisms, bringing an often unique quality to their teaching. Having high standards and expectations means that each individual in their care is guided to achieve to the best of their ability.

MG 8922
Geography at Queen Mary's College
Guest speaker talking to our students
Geography teacher with the class
MG 8937
Students in a Geography classroom
Geography A Level At Queen Mary's College, Basingstoke
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 MG 8922
Geography at Queen Mary's College
Guest speaker talking to our students
Geography teacher with the class
 MG 8937
Students in a Geography classroom
Geography A Level At Queen Mary's College, Basingstoke
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Where can this course take me?

Sam Dodds
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Sam Dodds
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Those who study Geography will develop the following skill sets:

  • Develop their extended writing skills to present evaluative arguments
  • Become confident and competent in selecting, using and evaluating a range of quantitative and qualitative skills and approaches
  • Develop as critical and reflective learners
  • Be able to articulate opinions, suggest relevant new ideas and provide evidenced argument in a range of situations.
  • Manage an independent research project, drawing conclusions and evaluating their work.


IMG 8369
IMG 8619
IMG 8491
IMG 8642
404291169 939430424416491 173561863779271896 N
404278311 939430431083157 3791210436446718684 N
404290109 939430444416489 9027748505083382257 N
404296408 939430441083156 7333187766165978912 N
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404321459 939430427749824 9109091723243905573 N
405554481 939430437749823 3826843301368426460 N
2ee7c461 5193 4a3b Be3a 15dfb46304f7
IMG 8409
IMG 8614
IMG 8575
IMG 8532
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IMG 8369
IMG 8619
IMG 8491
IMG 8642
404291169 939430424416491 173561863779271896 N
404278311 939430431083157 3791210436446718684 N
404290109 939430444416489 9027748505083382257 N
404296408 939430441083156 7333187766165978912 N
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404321459 939430427749824 9109091723243905573 N
405554481 939430437749823 3826843301368426460 N
2ee7c461 5193 4a3b Be3a 15dfb46304f7
IMG 8409
IMG 8614
IMG 8575
IMG 8532
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We offer a wide range of extra-curricular enrichments for students to develop their abilities and try something new, beyond the classroom. Among a large variety of enrichments at QMC, as a Geography student, you will have the opportunity to go on various trips such as Kew Garden and Iceland. To further supplement your course, you will also have excursions to conduct fieldwork. View more enrichment opportunities here.

Geography at QMC

"Geography is a living, breathing subject, constantly adapting itself to change. It is dynamic and relevant...So many of the world's current issues – at a global scale and locally - boil down to geography, and need the geographers of the future to help us understand them"
Michael Palin, 2011

Any Questions?

Our Head of Department, Ruma Rouf will be happy to help.

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