


Surpassing The National Average

21st January 2025

Queen Mary’s College continues to achieve impressive results for GCSE English and Maths retakes, surpassing the national average. For GCSE English  retakes, 73% of students at Queen Mary’s College achieved a grade 4 and above, more than double the national average pass rate of 35%. This success translates to GCSE Maths retakes as well. National…

Senior Maths Challenge

10th November 2022

Maths students at Queen Mary’s College are celebrating the results of their efforts following the recent UK Senior Maths Challenge (SMT). Of the 67 students who sat the paper, 52 gained certificates of merit (23 Bronze awards, 22 Silver and 7 Gold). The UK senior maths challenge is a national competition, open to all schools…

Results Day 2022

16th August 2022

The headlines are in and we are celebrating 99% A Level pass rate, 57% A*-B and 81% A*-C! The very best of luck to all our students who are collecting results this morning! _____________________________________________________________ Continuing Exam Success for Queen Mary’s College 99% pass rate at A Level: 81% A*-C grades  69 % High Grades for…

Results Day 2021

18th July 2021

Results Day at QMC is always one of the highlights of the year, providing students with the opportunity to celebrate their successes before starting on new and exciting ventures. This year the occasion is particularly special, given the extraordinary circumstances that the young people have endured whilst studying during the pandemic. The students receiving their…