Aspiring medics at Queen Mary's College taking part in a hands-on operating theatre experience.

The Anatomy Lab visits QMC

The Anatomy Lab visits QMC

The Anatomy Lab visits QMC

Posted: 16th March 2023


Aspiring medics at Queen Mary’s College took part in an interactive experience when QM Hall was transformed into a mock operating theatre for the day. The Anatomy Lab from Post Mortem Live, who have featured on BBC worked with the students who undertook a dissection of the head, cranium, and the brain structures. They looked at how intellect is dictated by surface area on the brain and undertook a brain and cranial meninges dissection. They then moved on to have a look at the thoracic architecture before examining the lungs so they could see the internal architecture  that is crucial in the process of ventilation.  Finally they looked at the cardiac structures and how the heart functions as well as the gastrointestinal tracts and the kidneys.

Sam, presenter for Anatomy Lab said “Today’s activities will build a bigger picture for students in terms of how the human body works. If they are considering careers in the medical sciences, they’re well informed and have got a head start when they go on to study how crucial anatomy and physiology underpins health care training today.”  

Photography by Josh Halls (Currently studying Photography, Biology and French at QMC)


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